
Yo, listen up fellas! We've got a sick new crypto for all you memelords out there. It's called $RIKROLL and it's gonna bring some serious entertainment and excitement to the crypto world. This whitepaper has got all the deets on our tokenomics, distribution strategy, and roadmap. Get ready to invest in the memes that make you ROFL! Degen's unite, let's make some dank bank with $RIKROLL!

1. Introduction

In this wild west of shitcoins, with FOMO, hype, and memes driving the market, a whole new range of tokens have sprung up, satisfying the most degenerate of investors. And the meme coins have been slaying it, thanks to their pure entertainment value and massive potential for growth. So get ready, 'cause $RIKROLL is never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down - but it's definitely gonna send your gains to the moon!

2. Tokenomics

$RIKROLL token details are as follows:

Symbol: $RIKROLL Total Supply: 69,420,000,000 Blockchain: Ethereum

2.1 Token Distribution

The $RIKROLL token supply will be allocated as follows:








Liquidity Pool














3. Distribution Strategy

3.1 Presale

50% of the $RIKROLL token supply (34,700,000,000 tokens) will be offered in a presale event. The presale aims to generate initial interest and capital for the project. The raised funds will be utilized for marketing, development, and liquidity pool provision.

3.2 Airdrop

2% of the total $RIKROLL token supply (1,388,000,000 tokens) will be airdropped to eligible Ethereum wallet holders who complete specific tasks or meet specific criteria. This strategy aims to grow the $RIKROLL community and reward the early supporters.

3.3 Development

8% of the $RIKROLL token supply (5,552,000,000 tokens) will be allocated for project development. These funds will be utilized to cover expenses related to development, marketing, partnerships and various exchange listings.

3.4 Liquidity Pool

35% of the total $RIKROLL token supply (24,290,000,000 tokens) will be dedicated to providing liquidity on decentralized exchanges. This allocation ensures that users can easily trade $RIKROLL tokens and maintain a healthy and stable market.

3.5 Team

5% of the $RIKROLL token supply (3,470,000,000 tokens) will be reserved for the team, rewarding them for their efforts in creating, developing, and maintaining the project. This allocation will be vested over a period to ensure long-term commitment.

5. Conclusion

$RIKROLL whitepaper outlines a unique cryptocurrency that is based on the popular internet meme of Rickrolling. The currency aims to provide a fun and engaging way for users to participate in the meme coin meta, by combining innovative blockchain technology with a catchy meme, $RIKROLL is poised to take the current meta by storm. So don't be afraid to get on board - with $RIKROLL, you'll never gonna give up and never gonna let down your investment portfolio!

Last updated